Girls' Education Support Program
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- Girls' Education Support Program
Empowering girls from marginalized backgrounds through education not only breaks the cycle of inequality, but also creates a more inclusive and equitable society for all. With this objective, Swadhar has been enabling education of girls who are in need of financial support and guidance. Over the past 21 years, we have impacted the lives of thousands of students by providing them with the tools and necessary resources to educate and empower themselves.
Educate a girl, empower an entire community…

This program was initiated in 2002 with the aim of supporting girls from financially challenged families to complete their education , become confident, self-reliant role models for promoting girl child education. Until this year our focus was enabling education of girls only.
But, now we have realised that getting boys under the umbrella of support has become imperative, not only does it lead to increased literacy but is instrumental in building robust families and better-quality citizens.
We firmly believe that every child from underserved, vulnerable, and marginalized section of our society needs scaffolding to ensure that she do not drop out .Retention of children in mainstream education and progression to the next level is necessary more so for crucial years after std VIII.
Privatization of formal education has resulted in escalation of education costs which proves to be a deterrent and a major reason in increase of drop-out rate. To reduce this we support education needs of children.
Our scope is helping school-going children, (9th and 10th grades) and those attending vocational training programs like ITI, MCVC (Minimum Competency Vocational Courses) at one end to high cost courses in engineering , paramedical , medical to extremely competitive courses like C.A, C.S at the other. Our support is not restricted to providing college fees , educational material and transportation to college but extends to hostel and mess charges for out-of-station students.
Financial and material support for:
i.Girls studying in 9th and 10th.
ii.Girls pursuing vocational training programs and diploma courses. - Sponsorships for pursuing higher education – e.g. degree courses to name a few like Engineering, Medicine, Nursing, Architecture, Pharmacy, BBA, BCA, BCS, and B.A., B. Com., & B.Sc.
- Career counselling and practical guidance.
The girls we support are often referred to us by our grass root level workers and educational institutions. We have established our reputation as a dependable organization to fulfill the educational needs of students.

Our efforts are directed towards identifying the neediest children from the marginalized sections of society and helping them to develop a zeal and passion to study and move ahead in life.
Even though we insist on consistency, dedication, and commitment from our children, our support will not be limited to reaching out only to meritorious students. From among all students , we will also focus on those whose parents are continuously ill from incurable diseases, nomadic communities, and CSWs. We wish to encourage such children to remain in the mainstream, break away from the stereotypes, cross all hurdles that hinder their education, and pursue out-of-the-box careers.